
The calculator is currently in the beta version. The results of this calculator were tested thoroughly. However, you should not rely on the correctness of any calculation on this website for critical purposes (i.e. financial, grants, medical, safety). If things of value are at stake, please verify the calculator output with a credible source. I do not account for any damage resulting from the usage of the calculator. Please use the website at your own risk.


I created this calculator because I was tired of using a handful of calculators at others websites. All of this is free and is open to the community. I do not pursue any commercial interest by providing this website. In the future, I will release the code as open-source. However, before I need to do some clean-up.


Missing a particle property? Send me an email! Feedback is highly appreciated. Soon to be implemented features are:
  • display of the used equations
  • support of multiple inputs
  • plotting
  • laser calculator


Please contact me by email. This should be the default way to get an answer.

contact information:
Johannes Otto
Mingeroeder Straße 27
37115 Duderstadt

phone: +49552771647
mail: contact@ucalc.info


All the input processing is on the client-side. You could just download the webpage and run it without an internet connection. This website does not use any cookies or other logging technics. The settings of the hoster all-inkl.com are configured to not log any IP addresses and to not generate website access statistics. I only see the HTTP Hits. Of course, when you contact me, I got to see the data you provided me. However, I do not process the data(i.e. sell your email address). If you have any questions concerning your privacy, please contact me through the above-mentioned contact options.